Tuesday 1 July 2014

Update on the patch..

So the last few days I have been quite busy in the garden, making sure its all cleared and weeded, the many, many hours of weeding... I'll be back at it next week ready for the next round of weeds!
I have stuck to organic methods to weed and feed, but finding it hard to keep the lawn in check without any chemical weed killer, any ideas would be greatly appreciated :).

This is one of the bamboo I planted last year which was given to me, It seems to be growing very well almost doubled in size! You can also just about see one of the brussell sprouts in the bottom of the picture, that has really taken off, only 2 of the 4 I planted are left, those pesky slugs had the others.

 This is my second attempt this year for growing tomatoes, after the slugs ate the first lot. Keeping them sheltered inside for a little while first, before taking them outside so they can grow a bit stronger, and have half a chance against the pests.

One out of the four peas have been growing quite well, It has taken over all 4 stakes that I put in for the 4 peas I planted, so I'm quite happy about that, always a silver lining!

I have been taking more photos of the garden recently, unfortunately I hadn't taken many at the start of the season, but the few I have I'll probably put together a before and after post at some point this week or next, just to see how they are getting along.

That's all the updates I have for today, thanks for reading.. Enjoy the weather!

Thursday 26 June 2014

Come back Spring!

Unfortunately I haven't planted as much veg this year, having to revise a lot for my exams in horticulture I have almost abandoned any type of horticulture, oh the irony! Now that I have finished the exams I have been out a lot more, I have been looking for some nice seedling tomatoes but I fear it may be too late now.

One of the surviving brussel sprouts!

A little eaten by slugs but its growing nicely, hopefully get some good sprouts ready for Christmas! Not that I want to think that far ahead just yet!

This is the Delphinium Excalibur I mentioned the other day I would upload, also if anyone is interested in bio-degradable confetti, this is the plant that is mainly used!

I'll be linking some more pictures of my veg later this week, when I have thinned them out, not having much time I have left them in the pots they started in, which look rather messing at the moment, so weeding and thinning is on the cards in the next few days.

Enjoy the rest of the week and thank you for reading.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

My Garden

I've decided to keep a bit of a diary of my Garden and also a bit of travelling, going to Croatia later this year so I may blog about that!
I did hope to start this a few months ago but I have been so busy with work, and also just finished an RHS course, no more revision woohoo!
I would still class myself as very much a novice gardener, I'm getting there, the course has helped a lot.
Veg growing and Ornamentals are my favourites at the moment, I also have a small collection of herbs, I learnt lavender needs to be in a well drained soil today, as it is slowly dying from the bottom up uh oh. I'll know for next time!
But on a better note I bought a really nice Delphinium the specie is excalibur If I remember rightly, I'll double check and get a picture of that up on here for you all to enjoy.

This is only a short post just a bit of an introduction and to say Hello. I will upload some pictures of the garden in the next few days and keep an update of whats going on, and whether I'm keeping up with the weeding and pest control!

Thanks for reading, and keep calm and carry on gardening!
